Lou Penn & Associates, Inc.

Avoid Future Fines And Violations

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Software that Makes Compliance Less Complicated

Market Conduct Auditor® makes it easier than ever for insurance companies to manage regulatory compliance requirements. With this sophisticated web-based software you get easy access to the data you need. Developed by insurance experts who understand exactly what you need to review state requirements for all lines of business.


Personal Compliance Review and 20% off your first year’s subscription – schedule your demo today!

Features Your Insurance Compliance Team Needs

Designed by experts who have been on both sides of market conduct exams, Market Conduct Auditor® is the best web-based software solution on the market today. It delivers the data you need faster.

USA map

Access up-to-date and detailed compliance requirements for each state, across multiple industries.

search with magnifying glass

The most sophisticated search feature on the market (up to 7 levels deep!) gets you immediate access to the criteria you need.

target with arrow in bullseye

Identify special violations and regulatory requirements easily – without the burden of searching through cumbersome cite text.

Enhance Your Existing Compliance Efforts

The Market Conduct Auditor® enhances existing compliance activities by eliminating the expense of doing your own research which saves existing resources. You’ll get:

Knowledge of what state market conduct examiners focus on

A proven way to access violations and plan a comprehensive audit process

Guidance on how to organize compliance priorities

Trusted data you can use to teach your staff about market conduct compliance methods and procedures

Get a full step by step breakdown of how it works in this free download.

Lou Penn & Associates, Inc.

Lou Penn & Associates, Inc.

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