About Us
Work With Insurance Experts
Top insurers across the country turn to Lou Penn & Associates to help them solve regulatory compliance problems.
We’re known for delivering:
- The best market conduct software on the market today
- Additional insurance regulatory compliance services including mock market conduct exams and compliance program design
Who We Are
Wish you could have a former state insurance department team member on your side? With Lou Penn & Associates, you can. Our team has extensive experience working with leading insurers. We can help develop or improve your company’s compliance program.

After spending 20 years in state service with the New York, Florida, and Vermont insurance departments, Lou Penn CIE, MCM, CLTC started his own company and has been instrumental in setting up compliance departments at large national insurers, providing guidance and advice, and developing sophisticated market conduct software. Lou was the creator of a leading insurance market conduct compliance software product called Complianceware®, currently being sold today. Now he has created another market conduct compliance product called Market Conduct Auditor® that is more sophisticated, offers a better user experience, and has added search features.
Our History
Lou Penn & Associates, Inc., was established in 1993 to provide regulatory compliance services to the insurance industry. Since our entrepreneurial beginning, we have conducted seminars, developed market conduct compliance manuals, performed mock audits, and created market conduct auditing tools such as Complianceware® that simplifies the examination process. Our latest market conduct auditing tool, the Market Conduct Auditor®, brings sophisticated technology to compliance programs, saving teams time, money, and headaches.